Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What's the point in having kids if you can't name them Lucifer?

Don't even think about naming your newborn "Lucifer" if you are a parent in New Zealand.

The devilish name has been effectively banned by the New Zealand names registrar after three sets of parents had the name denied, says The West Australian.

The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages seems to be trying to curb a lifetime of inevitable taunting for the children of parents who wanted to rather than give them names, give them punctuation symbols like:

. (Full Stop), * (Asterisk) and / (presumably "Slash")

In the past two years there have been 102 rejected names, including Baron, Bishop, Duke, General, Judge, Justice, King, Knight and Mr, all deemed too similar to titles. Messiah also got the thumbs down. The number 89, and the letters, C, D, I and T saw the same fate, reports the Herald Sun.

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